Q&A Interview

Greetings Isyans,

Thanks for tuning in and checking out the Fiesta Online Update – July 1st, we have big news for you today!
We are proud of our upcoming content and want to give you an insight what is going on behind the scenes. Welcome Wes Conner (Executive Producer), who will tell us more about our Cap expansion.

Q: Hey Wes! Thank you for being here today. Since most Isyans have never heard of you, please tell us a bit more about who you are before we start with our hot topic?
A: Sure. My name is Wes Conner, I’m an executive producer with gamigo Group and have spent the first half of this year working with the Fiesta Team to bring you some awesome updates.

Q: Thank you, Wes. This topic has been asked about by many players: Can you please give us some insight into Fiesta 2021 and where we are heading?
A: This year we have expanded the Fiesta Team bringing on new members and ramping up our development pipeline to bring you all new content, our next step towards that goal (our next major update) will be opening a Public Test Server.

Q: That sounds great. We know for a fact that our community is keen on trying stuff and experimenting with many things. A Public Test Server raises the question, what will we be testing?
A: This July we will be inviting you and all other adventurers to join us on the Fiesta PTS and help us test our first major release with the expanded team! Fiesta Online is proud to announce the Realm of the Gods Expansion!

Q: Realm of the Gods Expansion - that sounds massive! We have also heard that it is going to be big. What can the community expect from that update?
A: RotG is a major update featuring level cap increase, new skills, new zones, new lore & new technology to support the game on a technical level. Before moving forward with this expansion, we took stock of the game and defined two major points of focus.

  1. We wanted to make sure that the game aligned with spirit of Fiesta, that is say we focused on content that brings the players together to reach lofty goals, to that end we made the Corruption Event System. Without giving away too many details just yet be warned that Pagel is planning to invade each god's realm with corruption to bring an end to their order, and only the champions of Isya can stop his waves of corruption. winkhoney
  2. Fiesta was originally developed in 2006 with many development tools equally as aged, which limits development productivity. To bring the expansion to life, we focused on efficiently restructuring the game code and expanded our development capabilities & tools. What this means practically, is that the following updates this year are going to allow us to measure our new development speed and with that we will begin planning out our 2022 Content Plans.

Q: Thank you for this promising insight. But what has all of that got to do with Gods actually? You have mentioned Pagel, and all Isyans are very aware of who that mischievous guy is, but he is just one of the Gods, isn’t he?
A: In the Realm of the Gods, our adventurers will explore the homes of three gods: Teva, Apoline & Cypian, whose realms are besieged by waves of corruption unleashed by Pagel, the God of Greed. The road from Isya to Champion of the Gods is a long one, with many adventures in store:

  • 5 New Levels with Prestige Specific Skills
    • God Tier Progression requires nothing less than god tier skill, to that end each prestige class will receive a powerful signature skill as they tackle a whole new level of opposition.

  • Three New Realms outside of Isya to explore. Teva, Apoline & Cypian are Gods with realms that are worlds like Isya. Each realm has their own world with inhabitants & stories whose fate relies on you.
    • Teva Realm


    • Cypian Realm


    • Apoline Realm


  • Dynamic Zone Events: The Corruption Wave
    • Pagel the God of Greed sends waves of corruption into each gods realm, driving the natural inhabitants wild and the only way to drive this back is for our adventurers to band together, destroy the corruption and cleanse the zone all while earning the favor of the gods before the next wave is unleashed.

There is no doubt that the new content is exciting, and still that does not stop us from looking towards the future. After smoothly navigating through the RotG Expansion release, we will be reviewing & scheduling server merges for DE Servers, to establish a more balanced player base distribution. It will improve stability and will go a long way to support our next major update - details on that one later. winkhoney

Alright Adventurer, that wraps up what is coming next. We hope you are as excited as we are, we have more news coming soon (before the expansion) so make sure to join our Discord and follow our Social Media channels for the latest news live!

Your Fiesta Online Team

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