Patch Notes - 22.09.2022
Dear Isyans,
The following changes will be applied ingame on the 22nd of September 2022:
✓ The Physical Defense and Magical Defense for several monsters of Spiral Tower of Vengeance and Spiral Tower of Corruption have been reduced.
✓ The HP of several monsters in Spiral Tower of Vengeance and Spiral Tower of Corruption has been reduced.
✓ The maximum stack of the following items has been increased to 50:
- Return Scroll: Celestial Gardens
- Return Scroll: Forest of Life
- Return Scroll: Pleasance of Ordeals
- Return Scroll: Grove of Whispering Woods
- Return Scroll: Celestial Islets
✓ A participation check has been implemented in the Spiral Towers in order to determine who is eligible to receive a reward chest after clearing a floor.
✓ The quest "Mildwin's Return" has been adjusted. You no longer have to kill defenseless mushrooms.
Bug fixes:
✓ A bug where Guild Academy members would appear twice in the member list has been fixed.
✓ A bug where it wasn’t possible to join certain guilds or academies has been fixed.
✓ A bug where the Healer and Storage NPC In Celestial Gardens had the wrong map icons has been fixed.
✓ Several server-sided fixes have been applied in order to improve server stability.
Your Fiesta Online team